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    It all started with Rosie

    It began with Rosie and her human, Jo. A palpable connection between two species. Bound by moments shared and an uncanny understanding. A realisation of humanity’s facade and a desire to break convention.

    With 25+ years of industry-leading fashion experience and a passion for style, design and art, Jo Goldman saw a definitive market gap. Motivated by Rosie, both muse and companion, Jo led an innovative and disruptive entry into species-fluid fashion – founding THEANIMALS™ in 2020.

    Curating an identifiable, edgy collection of accessories and lifestyle products for all, THEANIMALS™ seeks to challenge gender, norms and perception. Crafting pieces for he, she, they and them – whether animal or human, master or pet.

    Unleashing a new era of species-fluid fashion – for the well dressed and well trained – THEANIMALS™ is a mecca of luxury items for pets and humans to share, without any distinction. The brand embraces a slow fashion approach, collaborating with creatives and artisans globally to create enduring designs for those who lust for life’s finer pleasures. No matter how many legs they have.